
I’m Rebecca Skye Watson, a Finnish-British photographer who lives in Helsinki but has a chunk of her heart in Paris. What at times has felt like a sense of rootlessness has over the years increasingly transformed into a feeling of freedom and desire to merge differing worlds. This undercurrent also runs in my urge to marry words with the visual side. For me, language conjures up images and vice versa. Rather than trying to fit into a certain mould, it’s liberating to embrace the different pieces that may not even seem to fit together at first and create a whole new dimension in the process. What ultimately motivates me every step of the way is to live and breathe b e a u t y. 

I hold a master’s degree in English and have completed a Further Qualification in Photography. Professionally I’ve worked on photography assignments for both small lifestyle brands and large companies. My work has been published in books and magazines and featured on PhotoVogue run by Vogue Italia. For many years, my blog Sanctuary has served as a personal visual outlet. Recently, a dream of mine became a reality when my book Parisienne – Secrets to Paris-Inspired Living saw the light of day.

About Poésie Privée

Poésie Privée was born during a unique moment in history when time stood still and the world shut down. It was kindled by a longing for lightness, a certain Parisian joie de vivre and a touch of dreamy magic. I wanted to create my own Paris-inspired universe without the luxury of hopping on a plane. 

It’s testament to what to me holding a camera is all about – the lens and the imagination dancing in unison, delivering its own surprise element.

The name “Poésie” was inspired by my love of poetry, both the written and photographic kind. “Privée” evokes a sense of intimacy – from me to you, created from the heart.  

"Je raffole de trois choses... voyages, de Paris... et vous. – Colette